Friday Favorites

This week has definitely felt like it disappeared before it ever started. That happens when you start it off by traveling. We took a short vacation to visit my dad in North Carolina for Easter where we ate lots of chocolate and barbecue and homemade doughnuts. I immediately ran to Costco when we got back to load up on greens and veggies. Our CSA starts in about a week, and we’re super excited for all the experimentation it will bring to our kitchen. This weekend we’re planning some major spring cleaning. Now that we’ve been in this house for a while, we see several areas where we can streamline, reduce clutter, and implement better storage. I can’t wait for DB to get home so we can chow down on nachos and get things moving around here.

All this spring cleaning has triggered a big itch to do some DIY projects around the house (I made the blue pillow cover in the photo above). In my stolen moments, I’ve been watching classes on Creativebug and Craftsy, as well as dreaming about the links below.

Design Sponge offered up this simple and beautiful tutorial on fabric covered photo mats that I love.

Sharpie paint pens + terra cotta pots = genius!

Grainline Studio featured a tutorial on how to mod her Scout T-shirt to look like this Madewell denim t. I love it because it goes hand in hand with fashion revolution day (which was yesterday).

A house full of tiny bears totally calls for some Bear string art.

Brooklyn Tweed just released Wool People 7. I love the beautiful simplicity of this scarf. Also, chevrons!

Colette Patterns released their Guide to Sewing with Knits, and two lovely new patterns. I’m pretty excited to make myself a pencil skirt.

Hope you have a creative weekend!

xo, S.